Monday, 19 October 2009

Where were they

Went an Activity Conference on Sunday - had a great time - Alan Hinks was the keynote Speaker - fantastic - not a Mountain Climber my self - just a Hill Walker - but he was on top form.

A good number of people at the event - but the not as many as there could have been.

Want to get out Canoeing - but too ill currently - whats the betting that when the I am better the weather - will be rubbish !

Saturday, 17 October 2009

View from the back

Well visited an Explorer Unit the other Night, arrived the place was buzzing. The week before they had been out Orienteering to gain point for Food.

This week using the food they had gained they had to produce a 3 course meal on two burners !

Well I love food and was pleased to be invited to invited to join them, the food was first class ! they even had a cheese board (my personal favorite).

The leaders were very welcoming as were the Young People.

The First of many to visit. Hope they are all this good.