Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Theresa May

Rt Hon Theresa May

Here we go

Re Theresa May

As Home Secretary the 'buck' should stop with her.

Blaming Staff like she has done is appalling.

I for one and I am sure all of the public are sick and tired of MPs like her.

She should for all our sakes she resigns

Where is the Leadership and ownership – the accept the money for doing the job
But as always Blame Someone Else.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Time for some more baking - Bara Brith this time

Time for some baking - Bara Brith 

Bara Brith

  • Some Tea About 2 tea bags should do! (I like earl grey)
  • 330 ml (11 fl oz) boiling water
  • 225 g (8 oz) mixed dried fruit
  • 170 g (6 oz) self-raising white flour
  • 170 g (6 oz) self-raising wholemeal flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp ground mixed spice
  • 55 g (2 oz) light muscovado sugar or any other brown sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
    Make some tea in a tea pot and pour in the boiling water. Give it  a good stir, then leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Place  the dried fruit in a bowl. Then pour the tea over the fruit. Cover and set aside to soak for at least 5 hours or overnight.
    Preheat the oven to 160ºC (325ºF, gas mark 3). Grease and line a 900 g (2 lb) loaf tin. If you want to sift the white and wholemeal flours, baking powder and spice into a mixing bowl. Add in the sugar.
    Pour in the soaked dried fruit, making sure you include all the liquid from the bowl, and add the beaten egg. Lightly mix the egg and fruit, then add in the dry ingredients until they have mixed well. The mixture should be soft enough to drop easily off the spoon. Add 2–3 tsp more tea or some hot water if needed.
    Put the mix into the prepared tin and spread it out evenly. Bake for about 1 1/4 hours or until the loaf is well risen and firm, expect to see some cracking along the middle and a nice browned top. Cover with foil (somewhat loosely) for the last 15 to 20 minutes of baking if its getting too brown.
    Leave to cool in the tin for about 5 minutes. Turn out onto a wire cooling rack rack to cool completely. This Bara Brith tastes very good if it is left for 1–2 days before eating ( not that that happens in our house). I am told that it can be kept wrapped in a cool place, for about 5 days. 

    Was hoping for some for lunch - but its all gone !

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

President Interviewed on the ICQ Podcast

The RSGB EGM coming up.

Very good podcast from the RSGB President.

Worth spending the time checking it out and discussing it !

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

QE or Not QE

We all know that the Euro Zone is in a mess – bail outs etc etc.

But just how bad is UK PLC??

The Pound dropped against the euro again, following the Bank of England

Saying it’s going to do more QE – which is printing money to your or me.

Not that they print the stuff, they just do this electronically – just product money out of thin air, which is a nice trick if you can get away with it.

I suspect if we tried this on our bank accounts – we be ‘done for fraud’ – good old UK where only mugs work, and MPs and Councillors get brown bags full of Cash!

The UK must be pretty bad if we are dropping values against the Euro

Friday, 16 September 2011

An adventure into PSK31 and RTTY

Well, got a data link setup between my Pc and Radio, selected some software Digipan for PSK31 and MMtty for RTTY - also using HRD.

Still just limited to 2m or 70cms - have not seen any activity on either mode this week - hopefully see something at the weekend. Must get my G5RV set up and then I can look on HF.

Have tested the setup using video from Youtube - found some very helpful stuff for data modes on there.

Off to the Great Northern Hamfest this Sunday. All being well I will get some QSOs in before then.

Need to also upgrade the coax on my 2/70 Aerial - thinking about using RG213u - will get some advise from others before buying.

Interface Used Minipro from ZLP

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Started my Intermediate Licence Radio Ham

Started my Intermediate Licence training last night, think its going to take around 6 months - maybe longer for me !

I think I have joined a very good club in Worksop - everyone is so friendly and helpful.

The first night we looked a Power Supplies, fuses, transformers etc - lots of hands on stuff - looks like it going to be great fun !

I first got interested in Ham Radio back when I was eight, in 1971, a visit to the show on Southampton Common. Thanks Guys of you were part of the team who went there and spent time helping young people gain an insight.

Its only taken me 40 years to do something about it !

Friday, 5 August 2011

Managed to get my PC linked to my Yaesu - using a cable supplied by ZLP -

Using Ham Radio Delux and FTBasicMMO to save and change the memories.

The good thing about all this was that is all worked out of the box - first time !

Found them both easy to use.

managed about 30 Qsos so far need to get some more - also setup on and

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

found but not yet sorted

Good night tonight - been getting a lot of interferance on 2m - found the cause - it appears to be my Wifi router and Wifi Access point - turned them off and no interferance .

Checked out on the www and it looks like one of the makes is well know for the problem, both have the CE Mark - will be checking with Ofcom about this.

Trying to get the kit in place to work some of the Amateur Sats - will keep you posted

Friday, 8 July 2011

Passed My Foundation Exam

Well thanks to the efforts of WARS, SYRG and Hamtests I passed my Foundation Exam, looking forward to getting my Call Sign and getting active.

Five days and counting no details on ofcom web site yet ! hope its on there soon.

Wanting to get involved with SOTA -



Sunday, 8 May 2011

Feeling like a kid in a Sweet Shop with a £10 to spend !

Feeling like a kid in a Sweet Shop with a £10 to spend !
At 47 am I allowed to feel like that ? Well it’s all because I am starting a Radio Ham Course Monday, since being a small boy and going to the ‘Show’ on the common in Southampton, as seeing the radios in the RSGB tent –
I wanted to be a Radio Ham.

Never managed to find a course when I was a kid or Young Adult, but have found one now and I cannot wait.

It’s all very funny because the other tent which I used to enjoy visiting was the bee keeping tent and have just got the families okay to having a hive in the back garden, just need to find a course for that too !

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Camping keeps you happy

Just had two weeks holiday, am not normally able to take so much at this time of year but working in a School now may mean low wages – but the main benefit is those holidays!

As I have spent most of my life in industry I have got used to the 20 or if you are lucky 25 days off a year. Not sure how the teaching staff here would cope with only 20 days off – but that’s another issue.

Managed to take some time out and review what’s important to me over the last two weeks, which we spent camping in the Wye Valley and the Derbyshire Peak District.

Over the last 7 years have been spending a lot of time a in a voluntary role working with young people, now I need to spend more time with my children and wife.

Been reading about Camping making you happy, well it does for me – even a weekends camping is so stress free! –

Thursday, 13 January 2011

SMS Gateway Server

Just been building an SMS Gateway Server on my fav brand of Linux, using SMStools and playSMS.

The install went like a dream and its already up and running ! Using and old Samsung D900 phone to send the SMS messages.