Friday, 16 September 2011

An adventure into PSK31 and RTTY

Well, got a data link setup between my Pc and Radio, selected some software Digipan for PSK31 and MMtty for RTTY - also using HRD.

Still just limited to 2m or 70cms - have not seen any activity on either mode this week - hopefully see something at the weekend. Must get my G5RV set up and then I can look on HF.

Have tested the setup using video from Youtube - found some very helpful stuff for data modes on there.

Off to the Great Northern Hamfest this Sunday. All being well I will get some QSOs in before then.

Need to also upgrade the coax on my 2/70 Aerial - thinking about using RG213u - will get some advise from others before buying.

Interface Used Minipro from ZLP