Friday, 16 September 2011

An adventure into PSK31 and RTTY

Well, got a data link setup between my Pc and Radio, selected some software Digipan for PSK31 and MMtty for RTTY - also using HRD.

Still just limited to 2m or 70cms - have not seen any activity on either mode this week - hopefully see something at the weekend. Must get my G5RV set up and then I can look on HF.

Have tested the setup using video from Youtube - found some very helpful stuff for data modes on there.

Off to the Great Northern Hamfest this Sunday. All being well I will get some QSOs in before then.

Need to also upgrade the coax on my 2/70 Aerial - thinking about using RG213u - will get some advise from others before buying.

Interface Used Minipro from ZLP

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Started my Intermediate Licence Radio Ham

Started my Intermediate Licence training last night, think its going to take around 6 months - maybe longer for me !

I think I have joined a very good club in Worksop - everyone is so friendly and helpful.

The first night we looked a Power Supplies, fuses, transformers etc - lots of hands on stuff - looks like it going to be great fun !

I first got interested in Ham Radio back when I was eight, in 1971, a visit to the show on Southampton Common. Thanks Guys of you were part of the team who went there and spent time helping young people gain an insight.

Its only taken me 40 years to do something about it !