(see www.sota.org.uk ) for more information about Sota.
Well for a number of reasons we didn't, pick the quickest or the easiest route up.
Our Route is pictured here :-
We had the afternoon to make the assent and activate the summit, I took with me my Wouxun KG-UVD1-p 5w on 2m FM and my sotabeam, (these were in addition to all the 'normal' safety equipment I take into the Hill). I had used the sotabeam a number of times before - so I was able to set it up quickly, and start some QSOs on 2m - they came flooding in.
After a short while the weather turned much colder and we started to pack up and make our way off the Hill. Stopping for a quick Photo at the 'trig point' before starting the journey back.
On the journey back we stopped to look at the cairn - in which there are a number of monument to Scouting - the one in the picture being of the 100 years (2007).
Many thanks for a great day, to Denis M0USV, Graham 2E0TRU and Mick 2E0MKE. We are already planning the next Sota Summit.
Also thanks to Denis and Graham for the pictures and allowing me to share them.